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A new coin called My Cowichan Valley Now immortalizes the famous UFO encounter on Vancouver Island

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    A new coin from the Canadian Mint depicts a strange sighting in the skies over Duncan on January 1st, 1970. 

    So called the “Duncan Incident” the coin seeks to capture the thrilling story of a nurse who spotted a large saucer-shaped UFO floating outside of a patient’s window.  

    According to science writer Chris Rutkowski, “The RCMP officer who investigated the case was puzzled and could not explain the incident.”

    The coin’s art was created by artist Patrick Belanger who runs an art studio on Gabriola Island. This is the second design he’s made for Canada’s Unexplained Phenomena Series. 

    The Duncan Incident coin via Royal Canadian Mint

    The coin also features glow-in-the-dark accents and the reverse side has an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II over top of a wormhole.


    Article information

    Author: Kevin Lindsey

    Last Updated: 1700273403

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    Author information

    Name: Kevin Lindsey

    Birthday: 1952-08-23

    Address: 8060 Shannon Lights Apt. 227, Philipshire, DE 34948

    Phone: +4151746372025307

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Fishing, Embroidery, Astronomy, Web Development, Animation, Geocaching, Orienteering

    Introduction: My name is Kevin Lindsey, I am a unreserved, tenacious, daring, irreplaceable, cherished, skilled, Precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.